CK8, low molecular weight


CK8, Cytokeratin 8, low molecular weight (35ßH11) CK8

  • Tech Only CPT
  • Tech Pro CPT
  • PowerPath Code LMWK
  • Schedule Monday - Friday
  • Turn Around Time Within 1-2 business days of receipt
  • Methodology IHC

Specimen Requirements

Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue block or cell block, or 1 unstained charged slide for each test requested plus 3-4 additional unstained slides cut at 4 microns. Adequate space on each slide for control tissue is required.

This is a send out test.

Diagnostic Utility

This antibody is positive in most carcinomas, other than those of squamous cell origin (positivity is seen in some squamous cell carcinomas). This marker is not recommended as a screen for epithelial differentiation, as a “pankeratin” antibody such as the AE1/AE3 cocktail or OSCAR clone, is more efficacious.B22.1/B23.1 has the identical specificity to the CAM5.2 clone (cytokeratin 8, one of the ‘low MW cytokeratins’).


Cell Marque