Cerebrospinal Fluid


CSF, Spinal Tap, Spinal Fluid Aspiration, Lumbar Puncture

  • Tech Only CPT 88108
  • Tech Pro CPT 88108 (2)
  • PowerPath Code NGCS
  • Schedule Monday - Friday
  • Turn Around Time Within 2 business days of receipt
  • Disease State Benign Conditions, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Malignant Conditions, Metastatic Cancers
  • Methodology Cell Concentrated Cytology


Cerebrospinal Tract

Specimen Requirements

Fresh fluid in sterile container. No minimum/maximum volume requirements. Small volume may limit processing and/or interpretation. Any samples suspected of having prion disease will NOT be accepted.

Clinical Significance

Cellular morphology of cytologic specimens is interpreted to diagnose inflammatory, neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. In addition, cytologic diagnoses is used to monitor recurrent and metastatic malignant conditions.

Required Patient Info

2 patient identifiers

Storage and Transportation

Cerebrospinal fluids are very fragile and should be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours for processing. When possible, store specimen at 2°C - 8°C. Do not freeze.

Cause for Rejection

Improper or inadequate patient identification, frozen specimens, any suspected of having prion disease.


Primary specimen container: 7 days from processing
Slide: 10 years